Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo

Engineering Implementation - design and execution of construction and installation works related to the implementation of the National Programme for Energy Efficiency of Residential Buildings in the Sevlievo Municipality
Building located at 12, Mitko Palauzov Residential Area, city of Sevlievo

Employer: Sevlievo Municipality
Contractor: Consortium PSP – Invest DZZD, leading partner and contractor: PSP EOOD

Started on: August 30, 2015
Completed: March 02, 2016

Total value of the contract: BGN 389 000.00 VAT excluded
Total built-up area of building: 3 199.95 m2

Performance of the contract includes preparation of detailed design for the implementation of energy efficiency measures, carrying out proprietary supervision during the execution of construction, execution of works to implement energy efficiency measures. Construction works completed include: replacement of window frames, roof repairs - installation of thermal insulation and replacement of flashings, gutters and downpipes. Included is laying of insulation system for exterior walls of the building, replacement of lighting installation in the common areas of energy saving installation, installation of a new lightning protection system and refreshing the stairwell of the building.



Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo
Residential Building at 12 Mitko Palauzov Residential Area Sevlievo

Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is a holding company established in 2007. One of the affiliate companies of Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is PSP EAD. 

9, Okolovrasten pat Str. Sofia
phone: +359 2 983 22 54
fax: +359 2 983 19 97

© Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD. All rights reserved.