Restauration and Conservation

PSP Ltd. restored the emblematic building of Central Halls covered market in Sofia PSP Ltd. restored the emblematic building of Central Halls covered market in Sofia
After nearly a year of large-scale reconstruction and restoration works carried out by PSP Ltd., the emblematic "covered market", designed in 1906, opened its doors to its first visitors.
Restoration of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintika near Petrich Restoration of the ancient city of Heraclea Sintika near Petrich
Restoration, conservation, preservation, promotion and development of the archaeological site "Ancient city of Heraclea Sintika" with adjacent necropolises.
A third Thracian tomb was restored - Ostrusha, near Kazanlak A third Thracian tomb was restored - Ostrusha, near Kazanlak
After Helvetia and Griffoni, PSP Ltd. restored another Thracian tomb - Ostrusha, a cultural monument of national importance.
Conservation and exhibition of the Ancient Fortress Conservation and exhibition of the Ancient Fortress "Borovets" above the village of Razliv
Little known and difficult to access, the Borovets Ancient Fortress near Pravets is ready to welcome visitors after nearly a year of conservation and exposure activities.
Two projects in Sliven for restoration and conservation of cultural monuments Two projects in Sliven for restoration and conservation of cultural monuments
In 2023 we executed two projects for improvement and socialization of the House-Museum Dobri Chintulov and the Museum Complex Slivenski Bit. We fully complied with the requirements of the client and met the deadline.
The arched bridge - the architectural treasure of Harmanli The arched bridge - the architectural treasure of Harmanli
During the restoration, the paving stones were rearranged, inconspicuous insulation was installed, and rainwater drained off faster, which is very important to preserve the authentic construction.
Ancient Serdika Complex - Sofia Ancient Serdika Complex - Sofia
Conservation and restoration works at Knyaginya Maria Louisa Blvd.
Across the Devil’s Bridge and to the Heavenly Paths in Ardino Across the Devil’s Bridge and to the Heavenly Paths in Ardino
Restoration, conservation and exhibition of cultural and historic treasures
Yovkov’s Dobrich – Modern Tourist Destination – Dobrich Yovkov’s Dobrich – Modern Tourist Destination – Dobrich
Construction and installation works under the Yovkov’s Dobrich – Modern Tourist Destination Project
Transmariska – The Ancient Beginning of Tutrakan - Tutrakan Transmariska – The Ancient Beginning of Tutrakan - Tutrakan
Conservation, restoration and exhibition of towers and fortress wall.
Abritus: Mystics and Reality - Razgrad Abritus: Mystics and Reality - Razgrad
Construction works including construction, installation and conservation and restoration works for the project Abritus: Mystics and Reality - Razgrad
Sandansky Archeology Park Sandansky Sandansky Archeology Park Sandansky
The site is a cultural monument within the National Significance category
Asenovgrad The Holy Gate of the Rhodope Asenovgrad Asenovgrad The Holy Gate of the Rhodope Asenovgrad
Conservation, restoration and construction and installation works under the project of Asenovgrad: The Holy Gate of the Rhodope
Conservation, restoration and socialization of Thracian mounds Helvetia and Griffoni Conservation, restoration and socialization of Thracian mounds Helvetia and Griffoni
Conservation, restoration and socialization of the Thracian mounds Helvetia and Griffons and a reception building, realized under Program BG08 "Cultural heritage and contemporary arts", Measure 1 "Restoration, renovation and preservation of cultural heritage"
Bely Pat Eco-Trail Bely Pat Eco-Trail
Setting up of trail marking – Dupnitsa Municipality

Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is a holding company established in 2007. One of the affiliate companies of Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is PSP EAD. 

9, Okolovrasten pat Str. Sofia
phone: +359 2 983 22 54
fax: +359 2 983 19 97

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