After Helvetia and Griffoni, another Thracian tomb was restored by PSP Ltd. - Ostrusha

PSP Ltd. carried out this complex project and strengthened its name as a leader in the field of restoration and conservation of cultural monuments in Bulgaria.

The construction-installation and conservation-restoration activities for the Thracian tomb site and Ostrusha cult complex were implemented within the framework of project BG16RFOP001-6.002-0002 "The World of the Thracians" under the Operational Program "Regions in Growth" 2014-2020.

Arch. Petkana Bakalova, whose project is the basis for the long-term preservation of this monument, spoke about the difficulties along the way in its renovation: "It was an extreme challenge, both its exposure and artistic image, and an even greater challenge in terms of its restoration. In order to restore the carrying capacity of these structures, a decision was made to apply technologies that not only were new for Bulgaria, they were certainly never applied in the Balkan Peninsula, I dare to say that they were never applied in Europe either. Many difficult decisions, many sleepless nights, extraordinary efforts of psyche and will, of emotions to bring this project to completion. If the tomb is discovered after 2,500 years, it will be undamaged thanks to the restoration we did."

To the news: Standard News

Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is a holding company established in 2007. One of the affiliate companies of Road and Infrastructure Facilities Holding EOOD is PSP EAD. 

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